Sunday 13 June 2010

James Corden’s World Cup Live- ITV1- Everyday @9.30pm- 6 out of 10

Roll up, roll up for the greatest display of attempting to copy an already successful format since Glee, Sky News and indeed this blog. This is Baddiel and Skinner's Fantasy Football-lite henceforth known as James Corden's World Cup Live. Using his amazing contacts with the England team, Corden sets forth to make a watch-able football show not seen since Baddiel and Skinner, obviously, and sadly, using his own style.

However, there is but one problem, Corden knows nothing about football, for starters, calling the German coach their captain. That's great thinking by ITV, we've got a man who knows nothing about football, so let's give him a TV show about football. Next week, a documentary on World War Two hosted by Melinda Messenger and Marvin from JLS with contributions from Jodie Marsh.

As can be expected, its all very much populist TV, a "come on England here" a dig at ze Germans here, kind of like a 45-minute broadcasting version of the Sun newspaper just not owned by Murdoch. Every now and then it works, usually depending on the guests and what they add to the whole thing. Its all very lowest common denominator.

The real issue is Corden who can be funny but at times over-the-top which doesn't work as a sole TV host. Give him someone next to him who knows what he's talking about. Get a bigger desk if you have to. Pull your fingers out producers! Or at least get him to be less of an arse and name-dropper by talking about his time hanging out with his England team mates. The little odd interview things with England players out playing golf or camping etc do work but Corden can be a right bum-licker with them, almost as if he's trying to bed them.

Meanwhile, operating as some kind of sidekick for Corden is Abbey Clancy (of having Peter Crouch inside her fame), a woman whose voice you want to broadcast to Martians to tell them to back the fuck off cos this is the kind of weapon we possess.

Despite all this, it is strangely compulsive viewing, perhaps because I'm a football fan and at this kind of year I want everything I can get my eyes on football-related. Oh and I am indeed supporting the "Back the Beard" campaign but that's because I'm lazy and shaving is a pain in the arse. Though I bet Corden won't do it else he'll have a beard down to his desk by July and that won't get him laid. The tit.


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